WP Engine (Professional)

WP Engine is by many experts considered the best in WordPress Managed Hosting, they offer automatic security updates, daily backups, one-click restore points, automatic caching, top-tier security, FREE CDN &  SSL Plus FREE Site Migration.

WP Engine is considered by many as the fastest managed WordPress hosting, they are the experts when it comes to WordPress, and their technology is top of the line with super-fast servers. If you consider getting a fast-loading website WP Engine will be more expensive but your website will load very fast and will be able to handle any traffic spike.

WP Engine homepage design

Pricing/Plan and Performance Test:

WP Engine prices are bit more expensive but with the speed, technical support and one of the best security you will be almost guaranteed that your site is 100% uptime with a maximum speed time of around 1.07s on average.

They have monthly or annual plans starting around $20/mo if you sign up for one year or $25/mo if you pay month to month. With the Startup plan for $20/mo you will get 1 site, 25,000 Visits/mo, 10 GB Storage and 50 GB Bandwidth/mo you can always upgrade as your web traffic grows.

For WP Engine performance we tested the site speed, uptime, and load time to help you compare and see what makes them the fastest WordPress hosting for your website.

  • Uptime: 100%
  • Speed Time USA: 1.11s
  • Speed Time London: 1.37s
  • Speed Time Asia: 1.69s
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